Start an EAS update for your expo project
@nx/expo:executors | Nx
Executor References
Here is a list of all executor available for this package.
Start an EAS build for your expo project
List all EAS builds for your Expo project
Download an EAS build
Build and sign a standalone IPA for the Apple App Store
Build and sign a standalone APK or App Bundle for the Google Play Store
Build the web app for production
Get the status of the latest build for the project
Deploy a project to Expo hosting
Specify the channel to serve a published release
Undo an update to a channel
Run the Android app binary locally or run the iOS app binary locally
Start a local dev server for the app or start a Webpack dev server for the web app
Syncs dependencies to package.json (required for autolinking).
Ensure workspace node_modules is symlink under app's node_modules folder.
Create native iOS and Android project files for building natively.
Install a module or other package to a project.
Export the JavaScript and assets for your app using Metro/webpack bundler